Sample Post 2


Leave paragraph 1

Delete following in red and replace with. “ Part of our mission is to provide the highest standards of support to help you succeed. When you succeed, we succeed.


Our mission is to provide ( C.A.R.E.) Committed . Available. Reliable. Economical and the highest standard of support to help you succeed. When you succeed, we succeed!


Delete heading “Why should clients choose Egregius B2B Solutions. Leave the paragraph.


Please add “ normally” to  sentence “ and you can get a response in 24 hrs or less” so it should be “ and you can normally get a response in 24 or less.


Please move this paragraph to about us page. It should be the 3rd paragraph.

Paragraph starting within our virtual support packages please add  (“full service clients only”) after full stop in brackets. So it should be after “hired employees directly”


5 Reasons to choose us ( please put ever sentence in black here)


Move last paragraph starting with (we have supported many clients with and still support with) to this page

Changes to Services page

Get a quote today should be at the end of each service (in blue not red)

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